I got to play the new Trials this weekend. I'm actually quite happy with it so far.
- I got to play solo
- I didn't care much if I won or lost because I was accruing XP so I was able to get a reward
I was actually matched with many on my level. I did get matched against some full fire teams. This usually meant we were getting stomped. However, most of the time we held our own.
For me, the new Trials is a success. Hopefully they'll be able to make it better and no one will figure out a cheese. But time will tell. Two thumbs up from me.

- I got to play solo
- I didn't care much if I won or lost because I was accruing XP so I was able to get a reward
I was actually matched with many on my level. I did get matched against some full fire teams. This usually meant we were getting stomped. However, most of the time we held our own.
For me, the new Trials is a success. Hopefully they'll be able to make it better and no one will figure out a cheese. But time will tell. Two thumbs up from me.