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  1. vipertec

    need help getting glory in crucible

    What do you play on console or PC ????
  2. vipertec

    Raid Exotics

    Mine either , I just put on what looks good and hope for the best after I add mods ! I'm not gonna try to solo any of those high level lost sectors , they can stick that stuff where the sun don't shine , if they want to make it that hard to get they can keep it !!!!!! I'm still only 1328 !! and...
  3. vipertec

    Trying to start the Hawkmoon Quest

    I remember hearing about this , but I don't remember what the "fix" is , even though the crow isn't there you still may be able to pick up the quest in the kiosk in the Helm or in the Tower next to the post office ( on the left in the corner) .
  4. vipertec

    Raid Exotics

    Congrats ! I finally just got a Hung Jury after doing the Adept Nightfall about 50 times ! :rolleyes:
  5. vipertec

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    Whenever I do play Gambit I usually get the Meatball in at least one of the matches I play in
  6. vipertec

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    I did so I could get Malfeasance
  7. vipertec

    I need help

    Do strikes (especially Nightfall) Crucible and Gambit , Gunsmith bounties will drop decent loot after you do 8 of them , and if you can join a Clan
  8. vipertec

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    You can still go to Europa you just can't do any beyond light missions
  9. vipertec

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    You can play for free , you just need a steam account and whatever is free you can play, all the new stuff you have to buy go here :
  10. vipertec

    Hung Jury-SR4 (Adept)

    I can't even get a normal one to drop (maybe because I run the adept level) , one day I'll get one and if not so be it . There have been many times I've run the higher level with matchmaking and it's a total DISASTER ! that's why I run the adept level . I'm not even high enough to run Grandmaster .
  11. vipertec

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    It will be interesting , I'm looking forward to the Sleeper "buff" that's included in this update ,we'll see if it puts it back to where it should be !
  12. vipertec

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    120 range nerf incoming !! The crybabies ( and I include myself in this) prevail !
  13. vipertec

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    Some of the Hand Cannons still have way to much range they have scout rifle kind of range and that's too much , they still need some adjusting , I'm talking about in the Crucible of course .
  14. vipertec

    Going to do something crazy

    I do like the Omolon sidearms they are my favorite as far that goes , the IB Suros sidearm is pretty decent also , I really only use sidearms to do Gunsmith bounties otherwise not so much. I do believe they are bringing back the Saint-14 weapons , it may even be next season there were some good...
  15. vipertec

    Going to do something crazy

    Yeah me too ! That's why I try to get them from far away and usually that's when one of their teamamates get me cause I'm concentrating on who I'm aimming at not what's going on around me and these kids kick my butt !
  16. vipertec

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    I got Lunas Howl and it is a good Hand Cannon , I wish I would have gotten it sooner oh well at least I have it now , I may pick up NF next just to complete the collection . I still want my Randy's Throwing Knife and Recluse back !
  17. vipertec

    Going to do something crazy

    It wasn't the fact that I had to do Crucible , it was the fact that I had to use a sidearm ! I do like the Crucible tomorrow is IB I will be there and once Crossplay comes into effect maybe just maybe I can convince a certain person to do some Trials with me (I'm not that great a Crucible player...
  18. vipertec

    Going to do something crazy

    I took 4 Control matches to get it done , which I'm kinda surprised it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and it's not as bad of a gun as I previously thought , now I just gotta do the kills , 1run through Skywatch and I'm at 28 %
  19. vipertec

    Going to do something crazy

    Well I got a little bored the other night and I decided to do something I said I wasn't going to do and start working on the final step of the catalyst quest for the crappy season sidearm ! I already ran one Control match and got 16 kills ! 50 here we come ! I musta bumped my head or something !!
  20. vipertec

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    I'm probably going to pull the trigger on that later today , haha se what I did there ! :ROFLMAO: