Read all about the Seaports in India. 13 major ports in india, out of which, 12 are owned by Government of India and 1 is privately owned. Here is the list of major seaports in India.
Read the given article to know more about Harayana State symbols, history of Haryana, geography of Haryana, economy of Haryana, culture and tourism of Haryana, etc.
Learn all the concepts of coordinate geometry and formulas of coordinate geometry to prepare the coordinate geometry for SSC CGL. Download co ordinate geometry formula for ssc cgl
Check out the important days in August 2023. why the day is celebrated, etc. that will help you in fetching good score in various government exams like State PCS, SSC, Railways, Banking, Defence, etc.
Financial Awareness and Banking Awareness for Banking Awareness Mock Test are available for Static Banking Awareness and Banking Affairs 2023 to prepare you for the IBPS RRB Officer Scale 3 2023 exam.
Online Mock Test for IBPS RRB are available for Static Banking Awareness and Banking Affairs 2023 to prepare you for the IBPS RRB Officer Scale 2 2023 exam.
Read in detail about the communicable human diseases fromGeneral Science. Communicablehuman diseases for ssc examsimportant for exams like SSC CGL, UPPCS, BPSC, CDS, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, and other competitive exams.
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